If you poll a hundred roofers Pittsburgh contractors about what the most frequently asked question they hear from clients is, I’ll bet that it is this one:
“Should I repair or replace my roof?”
And it’s a difficult question to answer. There are multiple variables that come into play in making this decision, and some of them are:
1. The building’s importance to you. Suppose the only roof that’s leaking is in your garage or store room, you may tend to view it more casually than if your living room roof leaked.
2. Is there a financial implication? If your damaged roof is resulting in revenue loss in any way, repairing it promptly sounds more appealing.
3. The age and overall state of your roof. While different kinds of roofs have varying lifespans and the quality of materials used, there inevitably comes a time when it is not practical or economical to repair a worn out roof. Reroofing, then, becomes the only choice.
4. Your budget for roof repair or roof replacement. Your roof needs periodic maintenance and repairs at the earliest sign of damage. However most home owners tend to postpone any such action for as long as possible – and only act when their hand is forced.
5. The relative expense of repairing your roof versus replacing it. It is important, however, to focus on the total cost of repeated repairs and contrast it against the higher but more lasting one-time expense of a reroofing exercise.
A good roofing Pittsburgh contractor will help you with a roof estimate that computes the relative costs of repair and roof replacement. While this won’t be practical in emergency roof repair scenarios, most other circumstances permit careful evaluation and roof estimates to be made by a specialist.
It is important to consider tax implications as well. Depreciating a new roof can end up saving you money that won’t be eligible for any deducations if it goes towards repairs. When tenants are unhappy, your repair costs mount, and you get increasingly frustrated with how much money your roof repair is costing you, then it is time to bite the bullet and replace that old and worn out roof. The long-term return from that investment can be better because your replacement expenses can be capitalized.