If you’ve decided that your not going to let your credit score, money problems, or anything else stand in the way of you owning a home then the possibility of owning a home through a rent to own or lease option contract has probably popped up on your radar. Renting to own your home can be a perfect solution for many different situations across the United states but, before you buy please review this checklist of things you should do before you enter in to a rent to own agreement.
Know Your Financial Situation
When you are aware of what your current financial situation is you know exactly how much you can afford for monthly payments, the right size house to look for, and the right areas to search in. The first step in knowing your financial situation is filling out a monthly budget worksheet. You should gather all your bills, bank accounts, statements etc and record expenses and income. During this process you should also consider meeting with approved credit counselors if you have a significant amount of credit card or other types of debt. Once you are aware of your financial situation you can move on to the next step.
Understand the Rent to Own Process
It is very important to understand the ins and outs of rent to own homes before you get into a contract. You should learn all the advantages and disadvantages, obligations for both parties in the agreement, and how the process will work from beginning to end. Equally important is knowing the fees and associated with the rent to own process. You should have a firm grasp on how monthly payments work, rent credits, interest, and other fees that you may incur. The most important part of the rent to own process that you should familiarize your self with is how the contracts work. It is a very good idea to consult with an attorney even if you find a rent to own contract online or otherwise, to ensure that you and your family are safe from fraudulent practices.
Talk With Your Spouse
One often overlooked thing to make sure you do is talk with your spouse. Having mutual goals and guidelines can make all the difference in the world when you trying to make extremely important decisions like buying a house. You should both have a set minimum requirements for your home as well as maximum monthly payments and price.
Know Your Real Estate Market
When it comes to buying home or property whether its rent to own, foreclosure, or outright you should definitely be familiar with your real estate market for your target. You should know what similar homes or comparable listings in the area priced at, what the current trend in the market is (buyers vs sellers), and how much your home could be worth in the future. If you follow all these steps you are should be fully prepared to find the perfect rent to own home. If you are interested in utilizing the largest data base of rent to own homes with owners ready and willing to set up a rent to own agreement visit our homepage to search properties.